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11.11.03 Kammermusikabend im großen Musiksaal
17.12.03 Weihnachtskonzert in der Kirche Hl. Familie mit allen Musikgruppen
22.12.03 Ökum. Gottesdienst Emmauskirche: Chor, Unterstufenchor, Flötenensemble
12.02.04 Führung der Klasse 5a durch die Instrumentensammlung des Münchener Stadtmuseums durch Herrn Prof. Joppich
04.03.04 Unterrichtsgang der Klasse 7d: Die Orgel in der Philharmonie im Rahmen der Veranstaltung Der Gasteig brummt"
11.03.04 Konzertbesuch der Klasse 7a: 3. Jugendkonzert des Münchener Rundfunkorchesters im Prinzregententheater, 19.00 Uhr
27.03.04 Musikalisches Programm am Tag der offenen Tür"
31.03.04 Konzert der Städt. Gymnasien in der Musikhochschule (Chor) | |||||||||
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23.04.04 Opernbesuch der Klasse 9b: W.A.Mozart Die Entführung aus dem Serail" im Nationaltheater, 19.00 Uhr
24.06.04 Großes Konzert in Edinburgh im Konzertsaal der Universität mit unserer Partnerschule The Royal High School" (Chor und Orchester)
19.07.04 Musikwoche in Maxhofen bis 23.07.04 (Chor, Orchester, Bläsergruppen)
28.07.04 Sommerkonzert in der Aula (alle Musikgruppen) Sommerfest (Lehrerband, Schülerband)
30.07.04 Ökum. Gottesdienst (Emmauskirche) mit Chor, Unterstufenchor und Blechbläsern | |||||||||
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11.11.2003 Kammermusikabend
W.A. Mozart Eine kleine Nachtmusik Benedikt Feuerecker K 12, Violine
L.v. Beethoven Sonatine F-dur, 1.Satz Felix Kramhöller 7a, Klavier
F. Schubert Die Forelle Adrian Drettmann 5b, Klarinette
J. Scherer Allegro für Flötentrio Julia Ulrich 7b, Anna Friedel, Friederike Schmid 7a
L.v. Beethoven Albumblatt für Elise Julia Lapczinsky 7d, Klavier
J. Lang Kleiner gelber Vogel Janina Mazuran 7b, Gitarre
Eigenkomposition Rock'n Roll Matthias Weidner 7b, Klavier
G.F. Händel Passacaille und Aria Katharina Hesener 9d, Horn
aus Israel Hava Nagila Flötenquartett: Lisa Friedl, Karoline Schmid 5b, J. Offenbach Can Can Anna Friedel, Friederike Schmid 7a
E. Grieg Anitras Tanz Natalie Lapczinsky 8a, Klavier
Bach / Gounod Präludium C-dur Ave Maria" Frau Ratcliffe, für Euphonium und Klavier Sophie Ratcliffe 9a
F. Liszt Liebestraum Tobias Müller 10c, Klavier
aus Bayern Hackbrett Boarischer Kirchfelder Soatn Hexn: Regina und Veronika Bauer, Ebersberger Walzerl Lydia Lytkecosmann, Katharina Schickaneder 10c Mitterbach - Boarischer
H. Brunner Am Sonntag will mein Süßer Flötenensemble: mit mir segeln geh'n Katrin Beisheim 8c, Sabrina Hettrich 10a, Jaqueline Imblon 11b, Kristina Schmitt 10a, Alexandra Schneider 9a, Andrea Wanninger 8d
W. Fuchs November Anna Schwendtner 10b, Klavier
Traditional Greensleeves Lea Biernath 5c, Querflöte Sophie Hartmann 5c, Flöte | ||||||||
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J. Thiersen La Dispute Julian Großherr 10b, Klavier
A. Vivaldi Sonate g-moll, 1.Satz Katharina Hesener 9d, Violine
J. Brahms Zwei Walzer Manon Gaenßler 10b (Klavier vierhändig) Lilli Kamu 10b
B. Romberg 3.Satz aus der Sonate Anna Riedmann 5a für Violoncello und Klavier
N.W. Gade Elegie Verena Walz K 12, Klavier
M. Giuliani Allegro Veronika Specht 7a, Gitarre
Metallica Fade To Black
J.S. Bach Bourrée Wolfgang Obermeier K 12, E-Gitarre
C. Santana Samba Pa Ti Martin Schweizer K 13, E-Gitarre Nicole v.Berkel 8c, Percussion
B. Hebb Sunny Marie-Therese Sturm 11d | |||||||
27.03.04 Musikalisches Programm
am Tag der offenen Tür",
9.50 Flötenensemble S.Auer 10.10 10.30 10.50 Geigengruppe S.Auer 11.10 11.30 11.50 Unterstufenchor B.Lackner 12.10 12.30 12.50 Grundkurs Musik H.Scheffels Sing to the Lord, Tears in Heaven, agua de beber, Home in that Rock, Down to the River | |||||||
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25 Jahre: Edinburgh | ||||||||||
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Rede des Stellvertretenden Schulleiters Wolfgang Fladerer am 24.6.04 anlässlich des Festkonzertes zum 25jährigen Bestehen der Schulpartnerschaft zwischen der Royal High School Edinburgh und dem TLG in Edin-burgh
Dear Scottish hosts, dear parents, dear students, dear collegues, ladies and gentlemen, for those wondering how it is possible for two remote, some may say backward, European regions to keep up a highly acclaimed music exchange over twenty-five years, we all but list three major arguments:
ONE: The Scottish and the Bavarians: two - not so surprisingly - similar tribes
Both tribes look back on a long, honourable struggle against the oppressor in London or, Berlin, respectively, and have managed to develop a distinctive national identity in the process, which makes the one seem strangely familiar to the other and vice versa.
For instance, are there any other clans that roll their "Rs" so beautifully like ours? - that´s why I feel so comfortable with my accent here: Oxford English would be out of the question in these surroundings anyway!
A few more examples to make my point: you delight and excel in tossing the caber, we love throwing our beer - mugs, you have invented culinary highlights like Haggis, we enjoy pale sausages early in the morning, your skirts - sorry kilts - are copied round the world and so are our leather trousers: they can´t copy our austere manliness, though, can they?
TWO: A sense of tradition
In Scotland, as well as in Bavaria, it is indespensible to call upon one´s tradition when |
making a point. A few comments on the past may suffice here.
In 1979 the Royal High School´s choir and orchestra were in their twin-town for the first time and in July the same year the TLG visited Edinburgh. The musicians, namely Inge Eckhart, Karl Wimmer (who died far too early in 1994), Wolfgang Schmitt and John Murray, decided to cooperate and make music together. From 1980 onwards they played together and mutual annual visits were arranged. The host parents provided accommodation and the highlight was always a big concert at the end.
In 1991 the first concert in the Herkulessaal der Residenz in Munich was staged and this event became an immediate success.
Ten years later, in 2001, a farewell concert was given for Wolfgang Schmitt at the same venue with Mendelssohn´s "Elias".
Last year was at the same time proof for my second argument "Tradition" as well as one for my third, and final point, which is concerned with the future:
THREE: Scottish and Bavarian Bravehearts: facing the challenges of the future
Minorities like ours, their culture and traditions can only survive if they show an ability to adapt, to combine the old and the new. There are lots of examples for this and the last two years provide yet another:
In 2003, we said farewell to John Murray and enjoyed a piece of tradition as well as one of progress: Mozart´s "Missa solemnis" was staged very successfully and for the first time in the history of our concerts the audience was presented with a contemporary choir | |||||||||
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piece: "Gloria" by John Rutter, wonderfully directed by Holger Scheffels.
Mr Scheffels stands for progress and so does his new partner, John Murray`s successor Andrew Morley, who will, at our twenty-fifth anniversary, direct for the first time.
So, this should have shown them all: Scotland and Bavaria are a winning team and we´ve got strong pillars to fall back on. That´s why we are all highly optimistic for the next twenty-five years at least. |
For now, though, I´m left with the honour of inviting our Scottish friends over to Munich once again in 2005 and to warmly thank our host parents, all collegues concerned with the organisation of this event and of course the musicians for their hard work and diligence. Ladies and gentlemen, dear fellow tribes-people, thank you for your attention. Enjoy the concert.
( Entwurf: Frau Fischer, Frau Fleischer, Herr Fladerer ) | ||||||||||
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Edinburgh-Eindrücke | |||||||||||||
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